The Struggle

For some, the struggle to do what is right is a daily fight. This struggle includes making wise decisions, being considerate of others, standing up for justice, doing what God says to do, and do it well. Why is this struggle so great?

The struggle to do right is greater because it is so much easier to give in to temptation. It is easier to think and act selfishly. It is easier to cuss someone out than to think about how to say what you want to say. It is easier to go along to get along than to stand on principles aligned with God’s Word.

If the struggle to do right was easy, many people would be saved and living abundant lives. But it is so much easier for people to live unsaved, without thinking about the consequences of their action, and how what they do impacts others. Since there are so many people struggling to live–without fear, without concern about finances or what the economy will bring or what the politicians will do, we know the struggle is real, we know there are people who have yet to find peace with Jesus, who are yet unsaved.

Lord Jesus, help us in our struggles to do what is right and help others to do the same. Help us to fight the good fight of faith in You, not self. Help us to resist the devil and watch him flee from us.

What’s It Going To Take?

What will it take for you to get involved?

Instead of just “reiterating” how important this election is, we need to start discussing why it’s important for everyone to be involved in preserving our democracy. We have seen how apathy and complacency lead to the dismantling of civil discourse and democratic values (having a choice) in the last 5 years.

I have voted in every election from the time I turned 21 in 1973. And since I was paying attention to politicians from an earlier age, I knew I would be a registered Democrat and voted accordingly.

The 2016 election was a pivotal moment for me. I knew when I saw Donald Trump ride down an escalator that we would have a hot mess on our hands and we did. I did what I could to help promote Hillary Clinton (including donating to her campaign), but it wasn’t enough. The divide in the Democratic Party was enough to open the gate for a trump win and a living nightmare for the rest of us. I still didn’t get it. And it wasn’t until I participated, by actively protesting in a “tax march” against him in 2017, that I finally understood. We cannot sit idly by and allow our “feelings” to guide us in making decisions that have serious repercussions for the nation.

For those who “hated Hillary,” I hope they have learned their lesson. First of all, the reasons I heard was the kind of stuff elementary school students would use. She did nothing to the individuals complaining about her not leaving Bill, or even in the Benghazi issue, because she was not calling the shots in Benghazi—a little detail that many have ignored. It wasn’t her fault that Congress ignored her requests and then did nothing until it was too late to do something for those killed. Hillary didn’t kill them or cause them to be killed—irresponsible politicians did.

Now, because of the dereliction of duty by most to vet all candidates thoroughly and to exercise “wisdom in voting,” we have to fight off the loss of democracy for all because of the haters in America. Our Freedoms hang in the balance of our time in existence. Rights that have been fought for and won are now being reversed because of white supremacists making decisions on the Supreme Court. Those who hate and are fearful of those who don’t look or act like them, are responsible for the mess we face.

Once again, we must understand history, in this country, in order to understand what we’re facing. Before the establishment of Roe v Wade to ensure the safety of a woman who chose to terminate a pregnancy, many women died at the hands of the unscrupulous and ill-equipped. Overturning the “decided” view and sending to the states to determine has turned back the hands of time and once again, if we the people, don’t’ do all we can to stop it, many women will die again.

For those states who have ruled that banning abortion was in the interest of the “fetus” and not the woman, we’ll see how this plays in the court of public opinion, globally. Pro-lifers—are not for “life” of any living, breathing human being outside of the womb. They are “pro-fetus” and all they care about is “controlling what women do with their bodies.”

Even when women may have to travel to other states to access healthcare they need, having to travel is akin to bounty hunters crossing state lines to hunt and return run-away slaves. In the 21st Century, no one should be subject to such treatment and disregard.

So, while many think the current situation is just about the loss of “reproductive rights,” they need to think again. There’s more to the sinister plot on the Supreme Court and it all leads to white men controlling what women do—again. There are not content with controlling reproductive rights, there is discussion on the table to reverse a number of “settled law” precedents that include: marriage equality rights, privacy rights regarding sexual relationships, civil rights, having access to contraceptives, having access to a quality education and for the most part—human rights—with the exception of controlling what men can do.

As a result of the sinister plot being revealed on the Supreme Court, every eligible voter in the country needs to start thinking be yond partisan ideology and political party and get involved in the political arena to “preserve our democratic (having a choice) republic. If not, we will soon be a fascist nation with a dictator calling all the shots and forbidding our participation by negating our rights to vote.

As Americans—born in this country and having full rights as an American—we cannot allow the hateful and bigoted antics of the white supremacists organizations to ruin our country. We must get involved and we must vote for those who will protect our rights to vote (without trying to overturn an election when they lose) so that our children and grandchildren will have a chance to enjoy what we have fought for in times past. They should not have to fight the same battles that were already won, until a narcissistic megalomaniac won an election because “some were angry with Hillary.”

The time is NOW—in every primary election and general election for the next 20 years, for us to fight to retain our democracy! Vote Blue in 2022 and beyond!

Disgusting Acts

If you read, The Ultimate Snowflakes, here’s another perspective of how disgusting GOP Lawmakers are.

The Ultimate Snowflakes

How Disgusting Can They Get?

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — A bill pushed by Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis that would prohibit public schools and private businesses from making white people feel “discomfort” when they teach students or train employees about discrimination in the nation’s past received its first approval Tuesday.

The Senate Education Committee approved the bill that takes aim at critical race theory — though it doesn’t mention it explicitly — on party lines, with Republicans in favor and Democrats opposed.

Democrats argued the bill isn’t needed, would lead to frivolous lawsuits and said it would amount to censorship in schools. They asked, without success, for real-life examples of teachers or businesses telling students or employees that they are racist because of their race.

“This bill’s not for Blacks, this bill was not for any other race. This was directed to make whites not feel bad about what happened years ago,” said state Sen. Shevrin Jones, who is Black. “At no point did anyone say white people should be held responsible for what happened, but what I would ask my white counterparts is, are you an enabler of what happened or are you going to say we must talk about history?”

Does anyone remember when Republicans loved calling Democrats, “Snowflakes” after the 2016 election? I do! Now, it would appear that the FL GOP lawmakers are the ultimate snowflakes—fearful of what truth could do to their “precious children” and businesses. Give me a break!

They don’t want white people to feel “discomforted” with truth is discussed. Really? Discussion makes people discomforted? How about living with discomfort?

During Jim Crow laws—when, well you know, black people couldn’t drink at the nearest water fountain and had to seek the “colored fountain,” wherever it might have been residing. How about feeing discomfort when having to use the bathroom when travelling and there was no bathroom accessible because they all had signs saying, “whites only!” And let’s not forget, black folks getting hungry on the road, would certainly not be welcome into restaurants with their “whites only” signs. Just how uncomfortable would being hungry, having to use the bathroom, being thirsty or even finding employment that paid a living wage be—for black folks who were treated with disdain simply because of the color of their skin?

Let’s go back a little further into “true history” not the sanitized version apparently some were subjected to learning. How uncomfortable were the Native Inhabitants made to feel when their tribes were slaughtered, and their land was stolen? How about when those who managed to survive where restricted to land masses where it was unlikely much would grow there and they were left to fend for themselves? How uncomfortable were they when their children were forbidden to hold onto their language and customs because the “white people” thought they were savages? Who were the true savages? Those coming from Europe, supposedly to escape a King who wanted to determine what religion they practiced, and yet—here are their descendants—trying to impose their views upon people—who don’t look like them—again—for no apparent reason other than their fear of facing themselves through the looking glass, in a review of history. What a crock!

Okay, let’s go back to Jim Crow—just for a moment—how uncomfortable did they think black children felt going into “desegregated schools” when mobs of white people were standing in their way, trying to prohibit their entry into a building where the children sought to be educated? Do they think those children liked being called names? Do they think the parents of those children were comfortable in leaving their children with a group of haters, who in some cases—had no conscience at all in harming little black children—even while in a church? Was that a “comfortable situation” for the black families who lost children because of hate? But the haters of the 21st century, think their children are far too precious to learn the truth about the history of this nation so they don’t want them to feel, “uncomfortable” with discussions of racism and hatred spawned by “white people.”

Are you still with me? Let’s talk about the “discomfort” George Floyd felt. We watched that on live television—a white police officer—torturing a black man to death, with “no evidence” of a crime being committed. Was George Floyd comfortable? Was his family who have watched how he was killed? Are the children of the FL GOP lawmakers going to miss that discussion because it might hurt their feelings to discuss how a black man was killed on live television simply because he was black?

I am so sick and tired of all this tomfoolery we’re being subjected to because of an allegiance to a monster—and that’s all it is. I know, people were filled with hate before they elected the monster, but really, must we continue down this dark road of denying history because it appeases his ego? If not for him, then to whom do we attribute this disgusting attitude?

No matter how hard GOP lawmakers try, they will never erase history! There was a time when they were the only ones with the “power of the press,” but that is no longer. Anyone with a smart phone can publish history as we have seen it. Students are going to read the “banned books” on their own because that’s what children do when they’re told not to do something.

Now, the real question is this—are the GOP lawmakers afraid of their own discomfort when knowledge of their actions or inactions are known? Are they afraid to acknowledge those ancestors who “brainwashed” them into believing lies? Is the truth really going to make them more “uncomfortable” than their children?

There are so many more questions that need asking and so much more needing to be said about the horrendous treatment of Native Inhabitants, slaves, and almost every other immigrant in this country who was not “white.” If I said any more, people would stop reading, so I won’t. But trust me, this isn’t the last of what I have to say—in a blog, in a video, or in a letter to editors. FL GOP lawmakers are the ultimate snowflakes!

When Lies Take Root!

Root network

Politically speaking, we have all seen by now how quickly lies take root and keep growing, like some tree roots—some of which are more pervasive than others. With many tree roots and plant roots, trying to kill them takes patience and persistence. With gullible people, the same patience and persistence, only allows them room to keep spreading—choking out the life of all those around them until the truth—just doesn’t matter anymore. 

Now some reading this might think—that’s not true. We can kill the roots of trees by digging them up or either cutting them up—removing them from the life source of the trunk, or we could poison the entire trunk until roots wither and die. But when we look at the roots of lies, the trunk is the political party—in this case—conservatives—who only want to make liberals look bad to other conservatives.

For years we’ve heard, “The Democrats want to take our guns!” Nothing could be further from the truth. Democrats have no desire to “take away anyone’s guns” we just want to protect the innocent from the foolish who either have no ability to control their behavior or lock up their weapons or they are fiercely determined to puff up their manhood with military style weapons that are designed to kill people, not defend. The arguments have been plenty and every time there is a shooting incident in which multiple people have been injured or killed, they are silent. The only voices heard are the Democrats, demanding common sense gun laws, to get guns out of the hands of people who are intrinsically evil. Why won’t the conservatives speak up (other than to utter, “thoughts and prayers”)? Their allegiance to the NRA keeps them silent and the donations coming into their bank accounts. So, until we find a way to “cut off the system that feeds them,” we’ll continue to have innocent people lose their lives because of the continuing spread of the lying roots.

During the 2016 election so many lies were told about Hillary Clinton that it would take writing a book to explain them all. But the lies people believed and spread which made no sense, were the most pervasive. They lied about her eating fetuses, holding children in a basement of a pizza parlor as part of a sex trafficking scheme, and her poor health. This essay is not intended to “re-litigate” that election, but to point out how quickly lies spread via gullible people who simply don’t want to know the truth. Perhaps, these “god-fearing folks didn’t read the scripture that states, “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” And so, the fake news and lies, proved to be the death knell for Hillary Clinton’s election hopes—the source was not cut off soon enough.

So, let’s look at that source of lies and how their pervasiveness is yet impacting our political system—poisoning in reverse flow—from the roots to the exposed tree tops, promoting the truth. When an angry authoritarian blows his top because he lost an election and those in the same party, continuing feeding the gullible, soon the truth—though known by many, becomes a barrier to the party who wants to remain in power, no matter what and the lies are nurtured, promulgated by the right-wing media hosts who have no conscious and are certainly not “god-fearing.” The lies have prompted more lies and created more dissension between lawmakers who are now determined to make voting more difficult—especially for those who would not be voting for the lying roots, no matter how pervasive they become. It has yet to be determined, how these roots will die, and they will, because for every lying plot conceived out of sight, truth stands tall and visible, made known to all who are willing to hear the truth. The roots that lie, will curl and crumble, breaking into bits and pieces that will soon have no more life, nutrients—more lies—won’t feed them when the gullible (hopefully) wake up and see how they’ve been misled. They will stomp out the lies, burning the root network so they’ll never grow back.

The most pressing job every liberal has in this election cycle is to keep truth visible and constantly sustained and nurtured to combat the poisonous growth of lies that will lead to the death of our democracy. We must show the gullible, how the source of lies has misled them and give them reason to accept truth, over the lies. Now, for those who would rather believe the lies because the lies are more palpable than truth, there’s not much hope. However, no matter how difficult the task may seem, truth must be kept at the forefront of everything we do—repeating truth every time we hear the lies, until the nutritional system connected to the lies, is dead and no longer a danger to truth or our democracy.

When Will It End?

When Will It End?

From the 1600s right into the 21st Century, The United States of America has been embroiled in racial injustice and there appears to be no end in sight!

Of course, when we look at slavery and its abhorrent effects upon a group of people when controlled and abused by another–there is no way justice could prevail in that situation. Beyond the “supposed end” of slavery, the injustices continued throughout Reconstruction, Jim Crow and even the appearance of Civil Rights Movement which is still being judged today. Did the civil rights movement ensure equality, justice or fairness–not just by society but in the eyes of law and Supreme Court Justices? Or was it all an act designed to pacify people for a time?

Depending upon who is asked, the answers to the aforementioned questions will certainly differ. Though laws were written, supposedly to ensure equality, our society as a whole has either ignored the laws or circumvented them. All of the protests and rallies of the 1960s and beyond have yet to change the mindsets of those in our society who are determined to hate and belittle anyone who doesn’t look like them or act like them. The problem goes beyond being a political issue, but it is an inherent moral, humanity issue and it’s time, we all did something about it.

First steps are difficult when everyone is not on the same page, so it is imperative that we all get on the same page, working to achieve, “total equality and justice” in our society for all people, no matter what their ethnic origin is. The best way to get there in the first step is to start treating all people like human beings instead of subordinates who are inferior to one group. Anyone harboring hatred for anyone else because of their skin color, religion, or sexual orientation needs to take a good look at themselves in a magnifying mirror. It is amazing what one can see when we take a very close look at ourselves and see the flaws that others may not see–with a passing glance. Of course, when we see certain blatant behaviors that indicate the level of hatred that resides within a person, we know they haven’t truly looked at themselves to see what we see.

What does hatred look like? It looks like pure evil–arrogance in how we treat others, defiance in how we refuse to accept all human beings as human beings, and ignorance in not realizing that no one group of people is superior to another–no not one. The evil pervades with lack of knowledge and determination to hold onto beliefs instilled from childhood. In some cases, those with wealth assume they are superior to others because of their bank accounts, not realizing that no amount of money will keep them from the same fate we all face–death. Some are hate-filled because of their lack of ability to achieve what others have when they think their “privilege” should be more significant than someone else’s hard work. Some are hateful simply because they can be–without cause–to unjustly mistreat others.

So, how do we combat the hatred? There is no one answer to this question. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and others thought peaceful protests would make a difference. Sometimes they did and sometimes they didn’t. Sometimes, taking a more militaristic stance against injustice was thought to be the answer. That didn’t work either. The key to combating hatred is two-fold. One way is to wait until those who taught hate, die and the other is to educate–all people–in understanding that love really is key to finding solutions to racial injustice and inequities. But the first “love” must come from loving self. When we love ourselves and want to see no harm come to self, we are generally more compassionate and accepting of others. Love, in its purest form, is seen in our service–what we do for others and how we treat others.

Loving others doesn’t mean we have to agree with them on all levels, it means we’ll acknowledge our disagreement and agree to disagree, civilly, without name-calling or attempts to denigrate with whom we have disagreements. Serving others does not mean we become door-mats, or subservient to others, it means we stand up for what’s right, not afraid to speak truths or denounce lies. Until we reach this stage of interaction with our fellow human beings, we will continue fighting for racial justice and equality and many of us, may not live long enough to see the injustice end.

But while we yet live, we must fight to see the injustices and inequities end for the future of America and in order to do that, we must acknowledge the fundamental rights of all people–as guaranteed in the Constitution and the natural order of humanity. We are all human beings–one blood–bleeding red and we should have the ability and access to voting our choice in any and every election, no matter where we live, without the interference of anyone who disagrees with our decisions. We should not have to continue fighting for the right to vote, but in this society, one filled with hate and deluded by lies, fight we must, and we will.

The Cruelty Didn’t Start With White Supremacists!

Padded shackles foot cuff, or neck cuff. Rusty padded shackles used for locking up prisoners or slaves between 1600 and 1800 stock images

Inhumane cruelty has been with us for a very long time and it didn’t start in the new land, later called America. It began with those who lived long before any of us were ever thought about. For those who read the bible, the evidence is within the pages.

The Children of Israel were treated abominably and those who thought they were superior, treated those they thought were inferior with less dignity than the way they treated most animals. People were sawn (most notably, the prophet Isaiah) in half, women had babies cut from their stomachs with swords, they were left to starve to death, with some resorting to eating their children. But through it all, some of them survived and unfortunately, so did the inhumane mindset that has carried over into the 21st Century. Before anyone decides to refute this statement, think first, expand your knowledge base and know that some people are still treated as though they are less than human and not just in third-world countries.

But let’s move forward from the BC timeline and look at what has happened, historically throughout Europe and we can begin with The Catholic Crusades — killing anyone who crossed their path who refused to believe as they believed. Then, we can readily see what happened when Europeans who fled England came to this new land, perpetrated the same kinds of indignities they claim to have abhorred. The “religious” folks, established rigid standards and morals that most mere mortals could not have sustained. They are responsible for the burning of women in Salem and called them witches because they “did not understand” what they refused to acknowledge — women are people, too and should not be subjected to the whims of men.

Of course, we cannot forget how “white men” enslaved and massacred other human beings — The Africans they imported and the Native Inhabitants who were already here. Remember now — they did not want a king telling them what to believe or how to worship, but they enacted the same concepts upon others and were able to get away with it for hundreds of years. They beat and maimed and killed any who refused to submit to them. Many Native Inhabitants were killed out of a sense of superiority and those who weren’t killed were placed on barren reservations with the intent that they would die out the means to sustain themselves. Survivors have this uncanny instinct to keep living in spite of how they are treated and the same is true of the slaves and their descendants.

Without going into the entire roadmap of how this country began with racism and bigotry in the forefront — driving the need and greed of “white men” who cared less about trying to “understand” others, let’s start with America’s rite of passion with freedom from a king. The Constitution was written and enforced with consequences for those who dared to act like they were human, and that included women. Re-read and understand that women, Native Inhabitants, and Africans were never a consideration in the beginning and now, in the 21st century, there are some “white men and women” who are trying to take humanity in the United States, backwards, especially for people of color.

Though some may not understand how cruel and unjust it is not have a voice in what is done is this country, let’s review. When black people didn’t have a right to vote, laws were made to keep them from voting, and even when it appeared (after the Civil War) that some were given the opportunity (during Reconstruction), that right was revoked by Jim Crow laws that prohibited black people from living within the same areas as white people, attending the same schools, using the same bathrooms, drinking from the same fountains, riding public transportation or eating in restaurants and certainly didn’t allow them to stay in hotels. I remember traveling with my family and we always had to “pack whatever we were going to eat,” I learned how to use the bathroom off the side of the road without wetting myself, and understood, even as a child, there were not going to be any privileges given to me. Yet, we survived. When NAACP begin to be known in our little town, people had to sneak and meet at churches to keep the local yahoos from interfering. When black people could finally vote, in 1965, most did with dignity and pride.

Fast forwarding to recent years, when black people stopped being interested in voting because they didn’t like the choice of candidates, efforts were made once again to inhibit their ability to vote. Their names were expunged from voting records and now if they don’t have photo ID, they’re still denied the right to vote. But because black people as well as some others were fed up with the nonsense perpetuated against them, they decided in 2020 to vote in massive numbers and because they did, Republicans — those “white men who think they are superior to others” — once again are trying to keep black people from voting because they know, the informed black person won’t vote for them.

So, it would appear that Trumplicans — those Republicans who have pledged allegiance to a man, the same mindset of the people who came here to escape a king, have decided to “openly and without regard of any moral or ethical reasoning” are passing laws that are targeted to keep people of color and poor people from voting, and it appears that the only way to stop the stupid is to encourage two Democrats to stand with the party and get things done so no ones rights are violated. If they don’t join the party, they can be seen as being cruel and unjust, since those in power, will retain power and treat people anyway they want to without consequences. The trumplican party — of white supremacists — are indeed inhumane and anyone supporting their agenda, is just as inhumane as they are, regardless of what their political party affiliation is. There is no excuse — NONE — for anyone in their right mind to support, diminishing the rights of people to vote under the guise of “precluding fraud,” which is part of “Their Big Lie” promoted to appease a corrupt and traitorous maggot.

Now, to backtrack just a moment, remember the lynchings during slavery and Reconstruction? White Supremacists (disguised as law enforcement) are now openly killing black men and women and children for acts that don’t warrant pulling a weapon and yet, those same trumplicans (white supremacists) stormed the U.S. Capitol in an insurrection guided by the same maggot, who now controls the “Republican lawmakers” and they are making havoc of this land. There is no excuse for this behavior and one can only conclude, the Republican lawmakers are indeed just as cruel and inhumane as those in biblical times and their ancestors.

But here we are — in another voting rights quandary — and we know we cannot depend upon lawmakers to uphold their oaths of office and do the right thing. Therefore, we — the American Electorate — must stand up and speak out against all attempts to inhibit voting by anyone. We must remember that “injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere.” This is not a state-by-state problem; it is a problem for the entire United States of America and it is time for us to say, “NO MORE INHUMANE TREATMENT OF HUMAN BEINGS IN ANY MANNER AND THAT INCLUDES THE RIGHT TO VOTE AND HAVE ACCESS TO BALLOTS.”

We cannot depend on Joe Manchin or Kristin Sinema to do the right thing “with the party” so we must make every effort to “vote out Republicans” across the nation in 2022 and beyond. The only way, this country will be just and equal for all is for us, to make sure we elect the right people who have demonstrated humanity and compassion for all people, regardless of their skin tones, ethnicity, religious beliefs or sexual orientation — human beings are human beings and no one should be treated as a lesser human than another.


Do we return to “slave mentality” allowing white supremacists to control the government or do we stand up and fight back — making this country, an America we all can love and be proud of? It’s up to us, so let’s take charge of the direction of this country like we truly care about it. Call or Write Senators and dare them to do the right thing for all Americans, not just some of them! Pass Voting Rights Reform that allows all Americans the dignity to choose who they want to lead this country.

Sanitized History

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            Sanitize definition: to make less offensive by eliminating anything unwholesome, objectionable, incriminating, etc.

We sanitize our history.  We erase all kinds of social, cultural, and economic conflict from it.  We run away, in a sense, from ourselves, from what we and our ancestors – whoever they are – created.  Indeed, this history is highly peculiar, for it avoids acknowledging the accompanying social inequalities that capitalism (and any other economic system, for that matter) creates as it remakes society according to its own rules and imagination.  The matter of privilege — and of white privilege in particular, given the majority-minority state in which we live today — is largely relegated to the dustbin of history.  The truth be told, the silences in our histories speak as much truth to power as the histories we publicly uphold.

We must strive to teach a plural people’s history for Texas students in the twenty-first century.  A recent study by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) contains in it past, current and future projections for the public and nonpublic high school graduates of Texas from 1991-2022. (1)   According to this study, Texas Latino high school graduates will be greater in number than Anglo high school graduates beginning with the 2010-2011 school year.  By May 2020, the date through which the current social studies curricular standards under discussion will presumably apply, Latino high school graduates in Texas will number an estimated 156,000 students.  By comparison, by the end of the current decade Anglo high school graduates will number 102,000.  That is, the statewide spring graduating classes in May 2020 will host 54,000 more Latino high school graduates than their Anglo counterparts.

            While I was looking for a reasonable explanation and plausible definition of “sanitizing history,” I came across this article. There’s more, but I excerpted the two paragraphs to help support what I’ve said in another article and what I’m about to say in this one.

            The fear that “old white men” are feeling about becoming the minority is palpable in their attempts to revamp the voting rules (violating our constitutional rights) as well as with their reluctance to support police reforms. They are afraid—big time—and have been for some time because they (those understanding karma) fear being treated the way they have treated minorities of color. They can deny this all they want, but the proof is in how for decades they have attempted to erase large swaths of history in order to make themselves look like better human beings.

They have rather successfully brainwashed people with their revisionist histories about how awful white men are as human beings. It’s not all white men, just those who are racial bigots and would rather hate others than change their minds. When we look at how Texas changed the related content in history books to pacify their egos and allowed Texas students to be led by lies, we see the proof in some of the Texas legislators now—they didn’t want their children to know how horrible their ancestors had been, so they either erased the true history, or sanitized it so it would not seem so bad. They have eliminated the parts of history they find objectionable and unwholesome and offensive since they were the culprits. But they have also eliminated the opportunity for students in Texas to know truth, to see for themselves and to learn to think for themselves which results in not being controlled.

With this particular view of what it means to “sanitize history,” we begin to understand how or rather why textbook publications, supplying the Texas school districts, were so easily convinced to exchange the truth for a lie. In the long run, it helped those in powerful positions to ignore all the wrongdoings of “white men” for centuries.  The massacre of Native Inhabitants, treatment of slaves, Chinese railroad workers, Japanese Interment camps, Jim Crow laws, segregation, and generally racist policies that excluded or eluded most people of color in this land. But one thing is certainly true as pointed out by Richard Calderon, the author of the article referenced—white people will soon be the minority in the United States and perhaps, that is the real reason why “white lawmakers” are trying so desperately to keep immigrants out of the United States—especially those from Central America, the Middle East and Africa.

When “white people” use the bible to justify their behavior or attitudes, it is out of fear that “we” the others would discover the truth and lo and behold we have. We have discovered that Jesus was a person of color having come from the Middle East, He loved everyone, and had a real problem with slavery and hypocrites.  “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).  I am convinced that White Evangelicals that teach they are superior to others are the biggest liars on the planet and they lie to their congregations to control what they do and how they think. That is not to say that other religious denominations don’t do the same thing, but let’s get real, religions are designed to control people and convince them to swallow whatever lies they’re told.

Now, for those of us who know how to read and how to think, we know better. Many of us are “true Christians” and we know what is expected of us is that we are to love one another unconditionally. Therefore, if we are busy loving one another, we don’t have time to promote hate or fear of others because love conquers all. Love will even conquer the need of people to sanitize history for their own sakes, but will conquer the need of those who were mistaught to influence their need for truth. Fearful people, put undue constraints upon others, controlling what they’re exposed to and limiting their ability to develop critical thinking skills, especially about the history of our nation, the true, unsanitized version of history.

Yes, haters of truth—the world is not flat, the Holocaust and slavery were very real, vaccines have saved lives, Easter is not about a rabbit or chickens, parents buy toys for kids at Christmas, and no one human being is superior to another. Did you catch that? Truth matters, and Black Lives Matter as well as all others. Stop The Hate America—in order for us all to matter and to survive and thrive, we must stop hating and start loving.

Fear In The Absence of Love

The product of fear

When we allow fear to influence our direction in life and what we do, we lose sight of what “humanity” should lead us in doing.

Fear–an unpleasant emotion or thought that you have when you are frightened or worried by something dangerous, painful, or bad that is happening or might happen: (From the Cambridge English Dictionary—

Fear–a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid. (From

Fear–an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger (From

“Perfect love (unconditional love—my paraphrase) casts out fear.”

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (I John 4:18 NIV)

Now, that the definition has been addressed and a biblical concept has been made, let’s look at what fear has done in our nation.

            From the beginning—when the first colonists came to this country—they allowed fear of the Native Inhabitants to influence their decisions and actions. The Native Inhabitants were different—they looked different and had different customs—therefore, they must be “dangerous.” At least that’s the attitude taken when human beings were slaughtered because they didn’t look like or act like the invaders.  Never mind the fact that those same “dangerous human beings” helped the first colonists to survive in this land. When the “killing stopped” of the Native Inhabitants, the white people restricted them the most barren lands and forced them into reservations, without thought as to how they would survive. They did and now the United States Government has acknowledged the Native Inhabitants and attempted in some ways to amend the damage done through various laws and policies. Let’s never forget this one—very important fact—the Native Inhabitants were here in this land—FIRST.

            Moving on to 1619—when the first slaves from Africa arrived on these shores (and possibly before they left the continent of Africa)—they looked different, had a different language and did things differently. But white slave owners didn’t care about the fact that bringing them to a strange land would make them unable to comprehend what was expected of them since they didn’t speak the language. So, what did the white slave owners do? They beat the slaves into submission without ever considering what they were doing to other human beings.

            Thankfully, the Civil War helped to end slavery when Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, but it did little to assuage the fear white people had of black folks. Before 1864, there were more black and Native slaves than white people so they made unfair and horrendous laws to maintain control over them (minority rule). Afterwards, during Reconstruction, some white people continued to mistreat and abuse black people, especially the poor, uneducated white people who later made up a large percentage of the “white hate groups.”

            Looking back at history and truly understanding the “fear” white people have of black folks is evident in how they continually tore down and destroyed anything black people as a community attempted to build:

The Atlanta Race Riot


Hoke Smith was a former publisher of the Atlanta Journal and Clark Howell was the editor of the Atlanta Constitution. Both candidates used their influence to incite white voters and help spread the fear that whites may not be able to maintain the current social order.

The Atlanta Georgian and the Atlanta News began publishing stories about white women being molested and raped by Black men. These allegations were reported multiple times and were largely false.

On Sept. 22, 1906, Atlanta newspapers reported four alleged assaults on local white women. Soon, some 10,000 white men and boys began gathering, beating, and stabbing Blacks. It is estimated that there were between 25 and 40 African-American deaths; it was confirmed that there were only two white deaths.

Greenwood—Tulsa, Oklahoma—(Black Wall Street)

The neighborhood was destroyed during a riot that broke out after a group men from Greenwood attempted to protect a young Black man from a lynch mob. On the night of May 31, 1921, a  mob called for the lynching of Dick Rowland, a Black man who shined shoes, after reports spread that on the previous day he had assaulted Sarah Page, a white woman, in the elevator she operated in a downtown building.

In the early morning hours of June 1, 1921, Black Tulsa was looted, firebombed from the air and burned down by white rioters. The governor declared martial law, and National Guard troops arrived in Tulsa. Guardsmen assisted firemen in putting out fires, removed abducted African-Americans from the hands of white vigilantes, and imprisoned all Black Tulsans, not already confined, into a prison camp at the Convention Hall and the Fairgrounds, some for as long as eight days.

In the wake of the violence, 35 city blocks lay in charred ruins, over 800 people were treated for injuries and estimated 300 deaths occurred.

Chicago Race Riots (1919)

Termed “Red Summer.” On July 27, 1919, an African-American teenager drowned in Lake Michigan after he challenged the unofficial segregation of Chicago’s beaches and was stoned by a group of white youths.

His death, and the police refusal to arrest the men who caused it, sparked a week of race rioting between Black and white Chicagoans, with Black neighborhoods receiving the worst of the damage.

Rosewood Massacre (1923)

Spurred by unsupported accusations that a white woman in Sumner had been beaten and possibly raped by a Black drifter, white men from a number of nearby towns lynched a Rosewood resident. When the Black citizens defended themselves against further attack, several hundred whites combed the countryside hunting Black people and burning almost every structure in Rosewood.

Washington, DC Race Riots (1919)

However, Washington’s Black community was then the largest and most prosperous in the country, with a small but impressive upper class of teachers, ministers, lawyers and businessmen concentrated in the LeDroit Park neighborhood near Howard University.

By the time the “Red Summer” was underway, unemployed whites bitterly envied the relatively few blacks who were fortunate enough to procure low-level government jobs. Many whites also resented the influx of African-Americans into previously segregated neighborhoods around Capitol Hill, Foggy Bottom and the old downtown.

In July 1919, white men, many in military uniforms, responded to the rumored arrest of a Black man for rape with four days of mob violence. They rioted, randomly beat Black people on the street and pulled others off streetcars in attacks. When police refused to intervene, the Black population fought back.

Detroit Race Riot of 1943 (

Like the successive rebellion that would erupt 24 years later, the Detroit Race Riot of 1943 was deeply rooted in racism, poor living conditions and unequal access to goods and services. The apparent industrial prosperity that made Detroit the “Arsenal of Democracy” masked a deeper social unrest that erupted during the summer of 1943. The KKK was active in the region and riots had already broken out in other cities.

Before and during World War II, workers migrated north to seek factory employment in such vast numbers that Detroit was incapable of adequately receiving them. Because black Detroiters were still treated as second class citizens, they suffered disproportionately from wartime rationing and the overall strains on the city. Factories offered employment but not housing, and because whites violently defended the borders of their segregated neighborhoods, black residents had little choice but to suffer in repulsive living conditions.

Detroit’s 200,000 black residents were marginalized into small, subdivided apartments that often housed multiple families. They were crammed into sixty square blocks on the city’s east side, an area ironically known as Paradise Valley.

Knoxville, TN Race Riot (1919)

In August 1919, a race riot in Knoxville, Tenn., broke out after a white mob mobilized in response to a Black man accused of murdering a white woman. The 5,000-strong mob stormed the county jail searching for the prisoner. They freed 16 white prisoners, including suspected murderers.

After looting the jail and sheriff’s house, the mob moved on and attacked the African-American business district. Many of the city’s Black residents, aware of the race riots that had occurred across the country that summer, had armed themselves, and barricaded the intersection of Vine and Central to defend their businesses.

Two platoons of the Tennessee National Guard’s 4th Infantry led by Adjutant General Edward Sweeney arrived, but they were unable to halt the chaos. The mob broke into stores and stole firearms and other weapons on their way to the Black business district. Upon their arrival the streets erupted in gunfire as Black snipers exchanged fire with both the rioters and the soldiers. The Tennessee National Guard at one point fired two machine guns indiscriminately into the neighborhood, eventually dispersing the rioters.

New York City Draft Riot (1863)

The Draft Riot of 1863 was a four-day eruption of violence in New York City during the Civil War stemming from deep worker discontent with the inequities of the first federally mandated conscription laws.

In addition, the white working class feared that emancipation of enslaved Blacks would cause an influx of African-American workers from the South. In many instances, employers used Black workers as strike-breakers during this period. Thus, the white rioters eventually turned their wrath on the homes and businesses of innocent African-Americans and anything else symbolic of their growing political, economic and social power.

The East St. Louis Massacre (1917)

During spring 1917 Blacks were arriving in St. Louis at the rate of 2,000 per week, with many of them finding work at the Aluminum Ore Company and the American Steel Company in East St. Louis.

Some whites feared loss of job and wage security because of the new competition, and further resented newcomers arriving from a rural, very different culture. Tensions between the groups ran high and  escalated when rumors were spread about Black men and white women socializing at labor meetings.

In May, 3,000 white men gathered in downtown East St. Louis. The roving mob began burning buildings and attacking Black people.  The Illinois governor called in the National Guard to prevent further rioting and conditions eased somewhat for a few weeks.

Then on July 1, white men driving a car through a Black neighborhood began shooting into houses, stores, and a church. A group of Black men organized themselves to defend against the attackers. As they gathered, they mistook an approaching car for the same one that had earlier driven through the neighborhood and they shot and killed both men in the car, who were, in fact, police detectives sent to calm the situation.

            Of course, we could go on for decades describing the indignities and inhumane treatment suffered by black people at the hands of white people and all because of their fear of black people. After the Reconstruction Era, fear motivated Jim Crow Laws which further limited the mobility and potential of black folks. All of this is documented in so many places that it would entail writing a book to list it all. But let’s take another look, with a microscopic perspective at events in recent decades—the killing of black males and females by white police officers. Without going into great detail about what is readily known and has been recently portrayed in the review of the practices of police officers who appear to not think twice about shooting a black person (suspect), but will go out of their way to treat known white killers with dignity and humaneness. Why? Fear of black people motivates the unjust use of force and eventual deaths.

            I’m not trying to relitigate the deaths of all those who died at the hands of police officers who appear to have racial bias. That would take too long and not many would read it, but I am trying to show how “fear” in the absence of love, leads to disastrous results. Until we learn how to love, unconditionally, all human beings (that’s not to say we have to agree with them), we will continue to see the ravages of human life at the hands of those who are fearful and promote fear to inflame others. What the world—especially those of us in America—needs more than anything else is “love” and understanding. Where there is no understanding of the experiences of another, we tend to fertilize fear with fearmongering and that has to stop.

Oaths of Office

Image for post

The Preamble Of the Constitution of the United States

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The Preamble of the Constitution of the State of Michigan

We, the people of the State of Michigan, grateful to Almighty God for the blessings of freedom, and earnestly desiring to secure these blessings undiminished to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution.

Both have significant Articles and Amendments detailing the responsibilities and obligations of those who are elected to office as it pertains to orderly progress of government. What is the most significant in both documents is the beginning phrase, “We The People” who determine who governs us. We, the residents of any state and citizens of the United States, have the final say over who governs and how they govern, however; most of us do not bother to know what role we play in how government works, but we are quick to complain when elected officials don’t do what we want them to do. The remedy for this chaotic mess is really remarkably simple—know who it is we vote into office—know where they stand, what they believe what their values are and how those things align with what we believe and how all should be treated.

Now, how many of us actually get to know the candidates before we vote for them? How many of us vote for someone simply because we recognize their name? How many of us actually pay attention to what people do once they get in office? How many of us contact our elected officials and let them know what we think of their performance? We are paying them with tax dollars, so we have a right to know and demand they pay attention to us—their constituents. If they do not or will not, they should never be re-elected, no matter how much money they spend campaigning.

Okay, that is the first thing of note, about why people should keep their oath of office, they were not elected to represent themselves, but the people who elected them.

So, what does an “oath” really mean? According to Merriam-Webster, “a solemn usually formal calling upon God or a god to witness to the truth of what one says or to witness that one sincerely intends to do what one says.” It is a pledge or promise to do something.

An “oath of office” is therefore a pledge or promise to uphold the solemnity of the position and to do the best one can to fulfill the requirements of that office. This oath of office is different for the various “offices” one can hold.

The President of the United States takes an oath of office, all Senators and Representatives take an oath of office, all state and local elected officials, and appointed ones, take an oath of office, but how many really understand what it means, and will do what it is intended to do—abide by the pledges they take?

It is difficult, if not impossible to uphold a pledge or keep a promise if a person has no clue as to what they were saying or the ramifications of making that attestation when sworn into office. Considering the mess, we have in Washington with Senators and Representatives condoning seditious acts—we know they had no clue, and their constituents should hold them accountable and make sure they are never elected again. Unfortunately, most voters will not pay attention, or they will believe the lies they’re told and keep putting traitors into offices of trust—to the United States—not a person.

Promising or pledging to fulfill a performance “to the best of one’s ability,” should require a commitment to know what is expected and then do it. That means, a person should know about the position to which they were elected, know where and how to find information that needs discussion before they vote on it, and keep in mind, their vote should represent what is best for those who voted for them, not their own personal agenda.

Therein lies the real problem, gullible voters who put people into office who have no intention whatsoever of serving the needs of the people, but in serving their own—for their own glorification. The perfect examples are found looking at what elected Senators and Representatives are doing in Washington, who fooled the people (unless the people who voted for them are actually missing brain cells) who voted for them and now, by their actions, their votes and collective loyalty to a TwiceImpeached megalomaniac, they totally ignore the needs of the people to appease the megalomaniac. They are not upholding their oaths of office and unfortunately, most of their constituents appear not to care.

We see the same disregard to upholding oaths of office at state and local levels when people don’t know what they’re doing, and they’ve managed to gaslight constituents into believing they care or everyone else is against them (playing the victim or race card). We see people vote on issues that do nothing to protect or uplift the constituents, but do everything to keep people oppressed and now, in certain states, elected officials are actually voting to “suppress the vote of their electorate.” What are, “we the people” doing to allow such a thing to happen? Apparently, nothing, which is why those in office are doing what they do because they know, they can get away with it when their electorate is complacent and will not pay attention.

“We The People” (all the people) must do better. We must know and understand the oath elected officials take and hold their feet to the proverbial fire—challenging them every step of the way, when they choose to take a path that is not going to benefit the people more than it benefits them. It is time folks, for all those who are eligible to vote to vote and vote in every election, knowing who it is we are voting for and that they will uphold their oath of office for the people, and not themselves. It is in our hands and if we refuse to take control of the situation, whatever happens to this nation, our states, and local municipalities, is on us—not them. We have the power and it is time we exercised it, at every level of government.

We, The People, need to pledge our own oaths as the electorate.

“I pledge, as an eligible voter of my state and city, to exercise my right to vote in every election, for demonstrably qualified candidates who hold any office that impacts my life and living conditions. I also pledge to hold all elected officials accountable for what they do in office, whether I voted for them or not. I will not be silently complicit with any wrongdoing committed by any elected official and will therefore take every legal measure possible to ensure, that official, is never elected again.”

The Courageous vs. The Cowardly

Historic Trump impeachment trial begins in US Senate

As much as many of us had hoped for an indictment of twiceimpeached, we didn’t see it happen because most of the Republican senators either had their balls in a vise or couldn’t find their spines. We knew that would happen. We’ve watched it for the last five years. Before I get too far gone into the cowardly acts, let’s focus on the those who rose to courageous status.

First of all, there were ten Republicans in the House who chose to impeach the person leaving the White House, who shall ever after be named (by me) twiceimpeached. They were the courageous in the House and they have also withstood the rancid behavior of those who disagreed with them, from within their party, the idiotic, upset over those who choose to operate with a sense of morality and patriotism (something others could have learned from). So we can applaud: Rep. Liz Cheney of WY, Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of OH, Rep. Jamie Herrera-Beutler of WA, Rep. John Katko of NY, Rep. Adam Kinzinger of IL, Rep. Peter Meijer of MI, Rep. Dan Newhouse of WA, Rep. Tom Rice of SC, Rep. Fred Upton of MI, and Rep. David Valadao of CA. These are the courageous in The House and we owe a debt of gratitude for their stance in upholding a standard of decency, justice and their oath of office. 

From the Senate, these seven voted to convict twiceimpeached because it was the right thing to do under the circumstances: Senator Richard Burr from NC, Senator Bill Cassidy from LA, Senator Susan Collins from ME, Senator Lisa Murkowski from AK, Senator Mitt Romney from UT, Senator Ben Sasse from NE, and Senator Pat Toomey from PA. These are the Senators who deserve our thanks for standing up to a party that apparently condones insurrections and seditious traitors. 

One would think, since all have taken an oath to “preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States,” that finding someone guilty of trying to overthrow the government wouldn’t have been that difficult. But apparently, for the 43 who voted to acquit twiceimpeached, their political futures were far more important than upholding their oath of office. As a result of their cowardice, they have not just condoned the seditious act of a government overthrow, but have left the path forward open to a more ardent and dangerous attempt again, not just on the Capitol, but all government institutions. Attacks by domestic terrorists on the physical buildings are one thing, when our democracy is attacked and is now on the stage of mockery and derision for the entire world to see, an attack by foreign terrorists is inevitable. 

I have often encouraged others to only do the right thing and thereby avoiding doing the wrong thing. It would seem that someone should have reminded the cowards of such words. But then again, cowards are only capable of cowardly behavior. They have no spines or moral compasses by which to govern their lives. They are driven by a need to gain and retain power and individual wealth, forgetting they are elected by people who expected them to look out for their best interests. Condoning an insurrectionist and domestic terrorism puts the entire country at risk and when those from outside this country invade us, because we have shown them how, no one will be safe. 

Though I am not a Republican and would under normal circumstances, stand fiercely opposed to most Republicans and their political posturing to ignore the needs of the poor and vulnerable, I choose to stand with these who have determined to stand up, for right, even with all the backlash thrown their way. Cowards are always prone to using bullying tactics and I see the bulk of the Republican party in leadership, both on state and national levels as nothing more than a bunch of bigoted cowards. History will not be kind to them or their descendants and I hope they live a long time to see what their actions produce in this country and the reluctance on the part of other world leaders to pay attention to America as a leading force. 

Hopefully, we will all remember the courage of those who stood for America and our democracy in doing the right thing. Unfortunately, we cannot forget the cowards since we must do all we can to make sure they never succeed in the political arena. Every American must remember 1/6/21 as the most infamous day in the history of the 21st Century, when an American president incited an insurrection against elected leaders of the Executive Branch of government, placing the vice president and speaker of the house in imminent danger. One could assume from what has been revealed, the intent was to remove any possible means that would keep him from declaring martial law and retaining power for himself (and Putin). Call him, not by name, but twiceimpeached, so he will never forget his place in history. 

House of Representatives Vote to Impeach President Trump